Green grass wall decor is known as synthetic grass wall covering that can be laid on interior or exterior walls. These artificial green walls have become quite popular among people in recent years. A vibrant artificial green wall produced by Wallgrass is sure to change your life! After reading artificial green walls and their benefits in this article, you will not be able to stay away from Wallgrass artificial green walls.
Artificial green walls have many benefits, including being a dynamic and peaceful decorative element. Many architects and designers have used Wallgrass artificial green walls in their designs and artificial grass wall decor ideas. Because artificial green walls health benefits are more than you think. With Wallgrass artificial green walls, the tiredness on your eyes will decrease and even your blood pressure will decrease and your feelings of anxiety will decrease. In addition, the green walls that you will lay in your outdoor areas not only provide an aesthetic appearance, but also help with building insulation by providing shade. It should also be noted that the artificial green walls that you will lay indoors will absorb the noise and offer you a quiet environment.
Wallgrass Artificial Green Walls Will Be the Right Choice for You!

There are many benefits to having artificial green walls installed on your walls rather than natural grass. Wallgrass artificial green walls do not require any pruning, fertilization and ventilation, so you do not need to spend extra time on their maintenance. You will save your time for cleaning with Wallgrass green artificial walls. Moreover, our products are resistant to weather conditions and non-flammable, and are produced in a way that is suitable for use for many years.
The artificial green walls produced by Wallgrass have many benefits. We can list benefits of artificial green walls as follows:
In cases where the sun is in direct contact with the walls of the balconies, the wall gets very hot and it becomes a burden to stay at home in summer. Even if the sun comes into direct contact with Wallgrass artificial green walls, these walls do not get very hot. One of the most important features compared to other wall decorations; It reflects the sun's rays and creates an air-conditioning effect by keeping the moisture for a long time when wet. Not only in summer but also in winter, it neutralizes the cold air and acts as a shield.
Living in an apartment today does not mean that you cannot have your own garden or a balcony that looks like a garden. However, by using artificial wall grass produced by the experienced and expert team of Wallgrass, you can turn your balconies into living gardens from each other and change your life 180 degrees. If you want to have grass wall outdoor and green grass wall background installed on your balconies, you can contact us. Our team will get back to you immediately!
Green grass walls address our natural and green needs. Therefore, we become happier and more productive when there is a green space around us. As can be seen from the scientific studies; The feeling of green grass walls reduces negative behaviors such as aggression and anxiety in people. Moreover, with Wallgras green grass walls, you will connect with nature, which will relieve your stress and relieve mental fatigue.
Considering the benefits listed above, green grass walls are one of the most effective solutions that people living in metropolises can have in their homes or workplaces visually. Wallgrass green grass walls, which are both environment, human and building friendly, are very popular in Turkey and in many parts of the world. Thanks to Wallgrass green grass walls, spending time in your apartment will become more enjoyable than before and will add more pleasant living spaces to you. Because when you feel stressed, it will be a very relaxing action to go to your balcony and enjoy a green living space that you have decorated according to your taste.
Wallgrass as a Manufacturer of Artificial Green Walls

Wallgrass continues to produce green grass wall at full speed for the ever-increasing natural appearance and aesthetic need of humanity.
It is used wherever imagination reaches, especially on balconies and garden walls. By providing the image closest to nature as a long-lasting, material and moral benefit to our valued customers is very high. Wallgrass is aware of the world's need for green and produces in this direction. It provides service to 70 countries around the world with its modern and state-of-the-art machinery and expert team.
If you would like to benefit from quality green grass wall covering service, you can reach our experienced and expert team as Wallgrass, and if you want to get detailed information about free green grass prices, wholesale grass fence prices, you can fill out the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible.